Technical information
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0.00ms when the player is away from job area. Only when another player does something that needs to be synchronized on the size (like: Falling tree or pick lumber from stand) will momentarily go up to 0.01 ms and fall backs again.
On average, 0.04ms while the player is working
0.1ms only when in Falling tree, logs rolling on stand and pallet of lumber moving on stand affected animations. If you set the value of PLT.LessCpuUsage = true from config.lua
the usage will stay 0.04ms, but the animations effect will not be realistic.
The platform made for parking the trucks is designed by @Rotto and I made a lot of adjustments in the field.
Trees and chainsaw objects were designed by @BzZz and other object set add-on which i used in script.
The trailer (trflat) has been turned into an add-on (plttrflat). Because I added the pallet of lumbers and the ramp to the trailer as an extra. If you are using trflat elsewhere, this wont affect it.
The trucks(packer,phantom,phantom3) has been turned into an add-on(pltpacker,pltphantom,pltphantom3). Because the trailer is pluggable and if you use these vehicles on elsewhere, this wont affect it.
The forklift has been turned into an add-on(pltforklift). Because I added the pallet of lumbers as an extra to the forklift. If you are using forklift elsewhere, this wont affect it.
Lumber on forklift's forks, lumbers on trailer and logs on telehandler's froks are added to the vehicles as an extra.
Telehandler(JCB TM320s) is a add-on vehicle designed by @lund.